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M-Track opens the door to computer-based music making. The M-Track interface from M-Audio® transforms your computer into a digital recording studio with plug-and-play simplicity. A single USB cable provides both power and a data connection to and from your laptop or desktop computer. M-Track offers the right connections for any instrument, from an electric guitar to a professional condenser mic—phantom power is provided. The low-profile format delivers professional control in a portable package. M-Track includes both Ignite by AIR and Ableton Live Lite music software programs.

Accommodating Inputs

M-Track is equipped with a versatile array of inputs to provide the best results with any type of audio source. Each channel offers an XLR input and a balanced 1/4" input. The XLR input is designed to work with microphones or other Lo-Z sources. The phantom power switch delivers 48V to the XLR inputs for use with professional condenser microphones. The 1/4" input can be set to receive line level signal, or switched to allow an electric guitar or bass to be plugged directly into the M-Track. The gain knob ensures the proper input level.


Each input channel is also equipped with an insert jack, a professional addition not often found in this class of interface. The insert jack allows studio-grade effects to be used with any input source as you record.

Improved Monitoring for Better Recordings

M-Track offers ultra-low latency monitoring of the input signal—either through the speakers or via headphones. The monitor mix knob adjusts the balance between the direct inputs and the playback from your computer software. In addition, the input signal(s) can be monitored in stereo or mono using the convenient Stereo/Mono switch. This makes it easy to record new parts or add parts to an existing composition. The Headphone output offers its own level control.

MIDI Matters

In addition to the two audio channels, M-Track also support 16 channels of MIDI data and timing information. The MIDI In and MIDI out jack are compatible with all MIDI equipment.

LED Metering

Multi-color LED metering provides instant visual feedback of the main output levels, as well as the status of various M-Track settings.

  • 5317-54 street, Drayton Valley, Alberta |
  • PH: 780-542-9363
  • |
  • HOURS: Monday - Friday 9-5, Saturday 9:30-1, *Closed Sunday