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Graph Tech Tusq 6 String Acoustic Nut

The PQ-1720-00 is the perfect option to upgrade the nut on your six string guitar. It is pre-slotted for a quick and simple install.
LENGTH 43.05mm THICKNESS 5.18mm HEIGHT 10.24mm STRING SPACING 35.93mm
It is a very common nut used in the Godin family of guitars.
The PQ-1720-00 is also available in a convenient 10 pack (LQ-1720-10).

TUSQ nuts and saddles have rich tone without the inconsistency found in ivory, bone and other natural materials. Bone and ivory have hard and soft spots (grain) throughout each piece, hampering consistent transfer of vibrations to the guitar top. TUSQ nuts, saddles and bridge pins are designed to transfer the right frequencies more efficiently from the string to the guitar body.

  • 5317-54 street, Drayton Valley, Alberta |
  • PH: 780-542-9363
  • |
  • HOURS: Monday - Friday 9-5, Saturday 9:30-1, *Closed Sunday